
如果你对以下任何一个职位感兴趣,请发送你的简历至 team@juicedata.io



  • JuiceFS 核心功能开发;
  • 持续改进核心系统的稳定性、性能;
  • 改进 JuiceFS 在多种场景的支撑能力。


  • 深度参与过分布式系统的设计和开发;
  • 对代码质量有追求,写过大量简洁、高效的代码;
  • 加分项:参与过开源软件的协作开发;
  • 加分项:对文件系统有深入了解;
  • 加分项:熟悉 Linux 下内核和网络诊断调优。


  • 工作地点在杭州,经验丰富的候选人可以申请远程
  • 薪酬:30K-60K/月,以及早期员工丰厚期权


  • 协同销售识别商业机会,负责客户售前阶段的技术沟通与支持; 
  • 与客户沟通,深度参与需求调研、产品能力匹配、方案设计、PoC 等环节,提供专业技术支持; 
  • 准确理解客户的业务、痛点和需求,提供合适的解决方案; 
  • 向产品研发团队准确反馈客户需求,并成为客户与产品团队之间的沟通桥梁; 
  • 撰写解决方案与案例内容,参与 JuiceFS 的市场推广。


  • 在云计算、分布式存储领域任职解决方案架构师 3 年以上,或有基础架构研发和运维经验,有意愿转型解决方案架构师;
  • 熟悉 Linux、网络、存储系统,有系统运维经验加分;
  • 熟悉 AI 和机器学习领域,有相关的 Infra 架构或运维经验加分;
  • 逻辑思维清晰,有良好的沟通、协调、演讲以及写作能力;
  • 喜欢钻研学习新技术,有很强的动手能力;
  • 强烈的工作责任心,执行力和自驱力;有良好的客户服务理念,和团队合作能力。


  • 工作地点:北京、上海、深圳
  • 30K~40K/月,以及早期员工丰厚期权


  • 成为客户信任的 JuiceFS 技术支持专家,及时准确的反馈客户在 JuiceFS 使用中的问题;
  • 参与客户交付的全周期工作,负责分析、验证客户需求,识别潜在挑战、风险,管理项目进展;
  • 向客户介绍 JuiceFS 云服务和企业版特性和相关实践与案例;
  • 提升客户使用满足度,识别潜在的流失风险;
  • 持续参与设计开发客户支持的方法、流程、工具。


  • 1 年以上在客户技术支持、分布式系统运维、SRE 或相关岗位的工作经历;
  • 具备与大型企业客户进行技术交流,技术支持的经验;
  • 技术背景与技术思维,熟悉 IT 基础架构涉及的知识。我们会培训支持你成为 JuiceFS 技术专家;
  • 效率达人,能接受多项事务,并清晰判断优先级,有效安排自己的时间与工作产出;
  • 沟通达人,具备出色的口头与文字沟通能力,与内部、外部的合作者、客户高效沟通;
  • 知识管理达人,有出色的知识沉淀和管理的习惯,能将日常工作中的内容有效形成文字;
  • 加分项:熟悉存储系统,文件系统,Kubernetes,公有云产品。


  • 工作地点:杭州
  • 薪酬:20K-40K/月,以及早期员工丰厚期权


  • 负责 JuiceFS 和相关组件的质量保障工作;
  • 持续优化质量保障相关的技术与流程;
  • 深度参与研发流程,提供质量工程建议和支持。


  • 扎实的编程能力,熟悉 Go、Python,熟悉 Java 更佳;
  • 丰富的分布式系统测试、自动化测试、CI/CD、混沌工程经验;
  • 熟悉分布式系统的性能测试、稳定性测试;
  • 熟悉 Linux,熟悉 Windows 更佳;
  • 熟悉 POSIX、HDFS、S3 等存储访问标准更佳;
  • 优秀的沟通和协作能力。


  • 工作地点:杭州
  • 薪酬:20K-40K/月,以及早期员工丰厚期权
Developer Advocate(Based in the U.S.)


  • Engage with developers on platforms such as Stack Overflow, GitHub, Slack, Reddit to understand their needs and provide them with tailored support.
  • Develop and deliver technical content, including blog posts, tutorials, webinars, and documentation that resonates with the developer community.
  • Speak at conferences, meetups, and other events to advocate for our product and foster a strong community presence.
  • Build and maintain relationships with key influencers, developers, and other stakeholders in the tech community.
  • Manage developer-focused programs and events that provide value to the community and raise awareness of our products.
  • Collect and analyze feedback from the community to inform product improvements and new feature development.
  • Contribute to the development of open-source projects and initiatives to demonstrate product capabilities and best practices.
  • Work closely with cross-functional teams, including product management, engineering, marketing, and customer success, to create a seamless developer experience.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and emerging technologies to ensure our company remains a leader in the tech community.


  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. Proficiency in Chinese is a strong plus.
  • Strong technical background with a good understanding of  storage systems and affiliated modern apps and frameworks.
  • Minimum one-year technical experience required; Previous roles as Developer Advocate or Educator preferred.
  • Proven track record of creating engaging technical content, such as tutorials, guides, and demos.
  • Experience in public speaking and a confident presence at technical conferences and events.
  • Familiarity with social media platforms and content creation for engaging online audiences.
  • Ability to work independently, as well as part of a team, and manage multiple projects with tight deadlines.Creative thinker with strong problem-solving skills and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment.


The position is based in the U.S., and residency is a requirement. Candidates living in California will be given preference.