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This article introduces implementation details of JuiceFS, use this as a reference if you'd like to contribute. The content below is based on JuiceFS v1.0.0, metadata version v1.

Before digging into source code, you should read Data Processing Workflow.

Keyword Definition

High level concepts:

  • File system: i.e. JuiceFS Volume, represents a separate namespace. Files can be moved freely within the same file system, while data copies are required between different file systems.
  • Metadata engine: A supported database instance of your choice, that stores and manages file system metadata. There are three categories of metadata engines currently supported by JuiceFS.
    • Redis: Redis and various protocol-compatible services
    • SQL: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc.
    • TKV: TiKV, BadgerDB, etc.
  • Datastore: Object storage service that stores and manages file system data, such as Amazon S3, Aliyun OSS, etc. It can also be served by other storage systems that are compatible with object storage semantics, such as local file systems, Ceph RADOS, TiKV, etc.
  • Client: can be in various forms, such as mount process, S3 gateway, WebDAV server, Java SDK, etc.
  • File: refers to all types of files in general in this documentation, including regular files, directory files, link files, device files, etc.
  • Directory: is a special kind of file used to organize the tree structure, and its contents are an index to a set of other files.

Low level concepts (learn more at Data Processing Workflow):

  • Chunk: Logical concept, file is split into 64MiB chunks, allowing fast lookups during file reads;
  • Slice: Logical concept, basic unit for file writes. Block's purpose is to improve read speed, and slice exists to improve file edits and random writes. All file writes are assigned a new or existing slice, and when file is read, what application sees is the consolidated view of all slices.
  • Block: A chunk contains one or more blocks (4MiB by default), block is the basic storage unit in object storage. JuiceFS Client reads multiple blocks concurrently which greatly improves read performance. Apart from this, block is also the basic storage unit on disk cache, so this design improves cache eviction efficiency. Apart from this, block is immutable, all file edits is achieved through new blocks: after file edit, new blocks are uploaded to object storage, and new slices are appended to the slice list in the corresponding file metadata;

Learn source code

Assuming you're already familiar with Go, as well as JuiceFS architecture, this is the overall code structure:

  • cmd is the top-level entrance, all JuiceFS functionalities is rooted here, e.g. the juicefs format command resides in cmd/format.go
  • pkg is actual implementation:
    • pkg/fuse/fuse.go provides abstract FUSE API;
    • pkg/vfs contains actual FUSE implementation, Metadata requests are handled in pkg/meta, read requests are handled in pkg/vfs/reader.go and write requests are handled by pkg/vfs/writer.go;
    • pkg/meta directory is the implementation of all metadata engines, where:
      • pkg/meta/interface.go is the interface definition for all types of metadata engines
      • pkg/meta/redis.go is the interface implementation of Redis database
      • pkg/meta/sql.go is the interface definition and general interface implementation of relational database, and the implementation of specific databases is in a separate file (for example, the implementation of MySQL is in pkg/meta/sql_mysql.go)
      • pkg/meta/tkv.go is the interface definition and general interface implementation of the KV database, and the implementation of a specific database is in a separate file (for example, the implementation of TiKV is in pkg/meta/tkv_tikv.go)
    • pkg/object contains all object storage integration code;
  • sdk/java is the Hadoop Java SDK, it uses sdk/java/libjfs through JNI.

FUSE interface implementation

JuiceFS implements a userspace file system based on FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace), and the implementation library libfuse provides two APIs: high-level API and low-level API, where the high-level API is based on file name and path, and the low-level API is based on inode.

JuiceFS is implemented based on low-level API (in fact JuiceFS does not depend on libfuse, but go-fuse), because this is the same set of APIs used by kernel VFS when interacting with FUSE. If JuiceFS were to use high level API, it'll have to implement the VFS tree within libfuse, and then expose path based API. This method works better for systems that already expose path based APIs (e.g. HDFS, S3). If metadata itself implements file / directory tree based on inode, the inode → path → inode conversions will have an impact on performance (this is the reason why FUSE API for HDFS doesn't perform well). JuiceFS Metadata directly implements file tree and API based on inode, so naturally it uses FUSE low level API.

Metadata Structure

File systems are usually organized in a tree structure, where nodes represent files and edges represent directory containment relationships. There are more than ten metadata structures in JuiceFS. Most of them are used to maintain the organization of file tree and properties of individual nodes, while the rest are used to manage system configuration, client sessions, asynchronous tasks, etc. All metadata structures are described below.

General Structure


It is created when the juicefs format command is executed, and some of its fields can be modified later by the juicefs config command. The structure is specified as follows.

type Format struct {
Name string
UUID string
Storage string
Bucket string
AccessKey string `json:",omitempty"`
SecretKey string `json:",omitempty"`
SessionToken string `json:",omitempty"`
BlockSize int
Compression string `json:",omitempty"`
Shards int `json:",omitempty"`
HashPrefix bool `json:",omitempty"`
Capacity uint64 `json:",omitempty"`
Inodes uint64 `json:",omitempty"`
EncryptKey string `json:",omitempty"`
KeyEncrypted bool `json:",omitempty"`
TrashDays int `json:",omitempty"`
MetaVersion int `json:",omitempty"`
MinClientVersion string `json:",omitempty"`
MaxClientVersion string `json:",omitempty"`
EnableACL bool
  • Name: name of the file system, specified by the user when formatting
  • UUID: unique ID of the file system, automatically generated by the system when formatting
  • Storage: short name of the object storage used to store data, such as s3, oss, etc.
  • Bucket: the bucket path of the object storage
  • AccessKey: access key used to access the object storage
  • SecretKey: secret key used to access the object storage
  • SessionToken: session token used to access the object storage, as some object storage supports the use of temporary token to obtain permission for a limited time
  • BlockSize: size of the data block when splitting the file (the default is 4 MiB)
  • Compression: compression algorithm that is executed before uploading data blocks to the object storage (the default is no compression)
  • Shards: number of buckets in the object storage, only one bucket by default; when Shards > 1, data objects will be randomly hashed into Shards buckets
  • HashPrefix: whether to set a hash prefix for the object name, false by default
  • Capacity: quota limit for the total capacity of the file system
  • Inodes: quota limit for the total number of files in the file system
  • EncryptKey: the encrypted private key of the data object, which can be used only if the data encryption function is enabled
  • KeyEncrypted: whether the saved key is encrypted or not, by default the SecretKey, EncryptKey and SessionToken will be encrypted
  • TrashDays: number of days the deleted files are kept in trash, the default is 1 day
  • MetaVersion: the version of the metadata structure, currently V1 (V0 and V1 are the same)
  • MinClientVersion: the minimum client version allowed to connect, clients earlier than this version will be denied
  • MaxClientVersion: the maximum client version allowed to connect
  • EnableACL: enable ACL or not

This structure is serialized into JSON format and stored in the metadata engine.


Maintains the value of each counter in the system and the start timestamps of some background tasks, specifically

  • usedSpace: used capacity of the file system
  • totalInodes: number of used files in the file system
  • nextInode: the next available inode number (in Redis, the maximum inode number currently in use)
  • nextChunk: the next available sliceId (in Redis, the largest sliceId currently in use)
  • nextSession: the maximum SID (sessionID) currently in use
  • nextTrash: the maximum trash inode number currently in use
  • nextCleanupSlices: timestamp of the last check on the cleanup of residual slices
  • lastCleanupSessions: timestamp of the last check on the cleanup of residual stale sessions
  • lastCleanupFiles: timestamp of the last check on the cleanup of residual files
  • lastCleanupTrash: timestamp of the last check on the cleanup of trash


Records the session IDs of clients connected to this file system and their timeouts. Each client sends a heartbeat message to update the timeout, and those who have not updated for a long time will be automatically cleaned up by other clients.


Read-only clients cannot write to the metadata engine, so their sessions will not be recorded.


Records specific metadata of the client session so that it can be viewed with the juicefs status command. This is specified as

type SessionInfo struct {
Version string // JuiceFS version
HostName string // Host name
MountPoint string // path to mount point. S3 gateway and WebDAV server are "s3gateway" and "webdav" respectively
ProcessID int // Process ID

This structure is serialized into JSON format and stored in the metadata engine.


Records attribute information of each file, as follows

type Attr struct {
Flags uint8 // reserved flags
Typ uint8 // type of a node
Mode uint16 // permission mode
Uid uint32 // owner id
Gid uint32 // group id of owner
Rdev uint32 // device number
Atime int64 // last access time
Mtime int64 // last modified time
Ctime int64 // last change time for meta
Atimensec uint32 // nanosecond part of atime
Mtimensec uint32 // nanosecond part of mtime
Ctimensec uint32 // nanosecond part of ctime
Nlink uint32 // number of links (sub-directories or hardlinks)
Length uint64 // length of regular file

Parent Ino // inode of parent; 0 means tracked by parentKey (for hardlinks)
Full bool // the attributes are completed or not
KeepCache bool // whether to keep the cached page or not

AccessACL uint32 // access ACL id (identical ACL rules share the same access ACL ID.)
DefaultACL uint32 // default ACL id (default ACL and the access ACL share the same cache and store)

There are a few fields that need clarification.

  • Atime/Atimensec: See --atime-mode
  • Nlink
    • Directory file: initial value is 2 ('.' and '..'), add 1 for each subdirectory
    • Other files: initial value is 1, add 1 for each hard link created
  • Length
    • Directory file: fixed at 4096
    • Soft link (symbolic link) file: the string length of the path to which the link points
    • Other files: the length of the actual content of the file

This structure is usually encoded in binary format and stored in the metadata engine.


Records information on each edge in the file tree, as follows

parentInode, name -> type, inode

where parentInode is the inode number of the parent directory, and the others are the name, type, and inode number of the child files, respectively.


Records the parent directory of some files. The parent directory of most files is recorded in the Parent field of the attribute; however, for files that have been created with hard links, there may be more than one parent directory, so the Parent field is set to 0, and all parent inodes are recorded independently, as follows

inode -> parentInode, links

where links is the count of the parentInode, because multiple hard links can be created in the same directory, and these hard links share one inode.


Records information on each Chunk, as follows

inode, index -> []Slices

where inode is the inode number of the file to which the Chunk belongs, and index is the number of all Chunks in the file, starting from 0. The Chunk value is an array of Slices. Each Slice represents a piece of data written by the client, and is appended to this array in the order of writing time. When there is an overlap between different Slices, the later Slice is used.

type Slice struct {
Pos uint32 // offset of the Slice in the Chunk
ID uint64 // ID of the Slice, globally unique
Size uint32 // size of the Slice
Off uint32 // offset of valid data in this Slice
Len uint32 // size of valid data in this Slice

This structure is encoded and saved in binary format, taking up 24 bytes.


Records the reference count of a Slice, as follows

sliceId, size -> refs

Since the reference count of most Slices is 1, to reduce the number of related entries in the database, the actual value minus 1 is used as the stored count value in Redis and TKV. In this way, most of the Slices have a refs value of 0, and there is no need to create related entries in the database.

Records the location of the softlink file, as follows

inode -> target


Records extended attributes (Key-Value pairs) of a file, as follows

inode, key -> value


Records BSD locks (flock) of a file, specifically.

inode, sid, owner -> ltype

where sid is the client session ID, owner is a string of numbers, usually associated with a process, and ltype is the lock type, which can be 'R' or 'W'.


Record POSIX record locks (fcntl) of a file, specifically

inode, sid, owner -> []plockRecord

Here plock is a more fine-grained lock that can only lock a certain segment of the file.

type plockRecord struct {
ltype uint32 // lock type
pid uint32 // process ID
start uint64 // start position of the lock
end uint64 // end position of the lock

This structure is encoded and stored in binary format, taking up 24 bytes.


Records the list of files to be cleaned. It is needed as data cleanup of files is an asynchronous and potentially time-consuming operation that can be interrupted by other factors.

inode, length -> expire

where length is the length of the file and expire is the time when the file was deleted.


Records delayed deleted Slices. When the Trash feature is enabled, old Slices deleted by the Slice Compaction will be kept for the same amount of time as the Trash configuration, to be available for data recovery if necessary.

sliceId, deleted -> []slice

where sliceId is the ID of the new slice after compaction, deleted is the timestamp of the compaction, and the mapped value is the list of all old slices that were compacted. Each slice only encodes its ID and size.

type slice struct {
ID uint64
Size uint32

This structure is encoded and stored in binary format, taking up 12 bytes.


Records the list of files that need to be kept temporarily during the session. If a file is still open when it is deleted, the data cannot be cleaned up immediately, but needs to be held temporarily until the file is closed.

sid -> []inode

where sid is the session ID and the mapped value is the list of temporarily undeleted file inodes.


The common format of keys in Redis is ${prefix}${JFSKey}, where

  • In standalone mode the prefix is an empty string, while in cluster mode it is a database number enclosed in curly braces, e.g. "10"
  • JFSKey is the Key of different data structures in JuiceFS, which are listed in the subsequent subsections

In Redis Keys, integers (including inode numbers) are represented as decimal strings if not otherwise specified.


  • Key: setting
  • Value Type: String
  • Value: file system formatting information in JSON format


  • Key: counter name
  • Value Type: String
  • Value: value of the counter, which is actually an integer


  • Key: allSessions
  • Value Type: Sorted Set
  • Value: all non-read-only sessions connected to this file system. In Set,
    • Member: session ID
    • Score: timeout point of this session


  • Key: sessionInfos
  • Value Type: Hash
  • Value: basic meta-information on all non-read-only sessions. In Hash,
    • Key: session ID
    • Value: session information in JSON format


  • Key: i${inode}
  • Value Type: String
  • Value: binary encoded file attribute


  • Key: d${inode}
  • Value Type: Hash
  • Value: all directory entries in this directory. In Hash,
    • Key: file name
    • Value: binary encoded file type and inode number


  • Key: p${inode}
  • Value Type: Hash
  • Value: all parent inodes of this file. in Hash.
    • Key: parent inode
    • Value: count of this parent inode


  • Key: c${inode}_${index}
  • Value Type: List
  • Value: list of Slices, each Slice is binary encoded with 24 bytes


  • Key: sliceRef
  • Value Type: Hash
  • Value: the count value of all Slices to be recorded. In Hash,
    • Key: k${sliceId}_${size}
    • Value: reference count of this Slice minus 1 (if the reference count is 1, the corresponding entry is generally not created)
  • Key: s${inode}
  • Value Type: String
  • Value: path that the symbolic link points to


  • Key: x${inode}
  • Value Type: Hash
  • Value: all extended attributes of this file. In Hash,
    • Key: name of the extended attribute
    • Value: value of the extended attribute


  • Key: lockf${inode}
  • Value Type: Hash
  • Value: all flocks of this file. In Hash,
    • Key: ${sid}_${owner}, owner in hexadecimal
    • Value: lock type, can be 'R' or 'W'


  • Key: lockp${inode}
  • Value Type: Hash
  • Value: all plocks of this file. In Hash,
    • Key: ${sid}_${owner}, owner in hexadecimal
    • Value: array of bytes, where every 24 bytes corresponds to a plockRecord


  • Key:delfiles
  • Value Type: Sorted Set
  • Value: list of all files to be cleaned. In Set,
    • Member: ${inode}:${length}
    • Score: the timestamp when this file was added to the set


  • Key: delSlices
  • Value Type: Hash
  • Value: all Slices to be cleaned. In Hash,
    • Key: ${sliceId}_${deleted}
    • Value: array of bytes, where every 12 bytes corresponds to a slice


  • Key: session${sid}
  • Value Type: List
  • Value: list of files temporarily reserved in this session. In List,
    • Member: inode number of the file


Metadata is stored in different tables by type, and each table is named with jfs_ followed by its specific structure name to form the table name, e.g. jfs_node. Some tables use Id with the bigserial type as primary keys to ensure that each table has a primary key, and the Id columns do not contain actual information.


type setting struct {
Name string `xorm:"pk"`
Value string `xorm:"varchar(4096) notnull"`

There is only one entry in this table with "format" as Name and file system formatting information in JSON as Value.


type counter struct {
Name string `xorm:"pk"`
Value int64 `xorm:"notnull"`


type session2 struct {
Sid uint64 `xorm:"pk"`
Expire int64 `xorm:"notnull"`
Info []byte `xorm:"blob"`


There is no separate table for this, but it is recorded in the Info column of session2.


type node struct {
Inode Ino `xorm:"pk"`
Type uint8 `xorm:"notnull"`
Flags uint8 `xorm:"notnull"`
Mode uint16 `xorm:"notnull"`
Uid uint32 `xorm:"notnull"`
Gid uint32 `xorm:"notnull"`
Atime int64 `xorm:"notnull"`
Mtime int64 `xorm:"notnull"`
Ctime int64 `xorm:"notnull"`
Nlink uint32 `xorm:"notnull"`
Length uint64 `xorm:"notnull"`
Rdev uint32
Parent Ino
AccessACLId uint32 `xorm:"'access_acl_id'"`
DefaultACLId uint32 `xorm:"'default_acl_id'"`

Most of the fields are the same as Attr, but the timestamp precision is lower, i.e., Atime/Mtime/Ctime are in microseconds.


type edge struct {
Id int64 `xorm:"pk bigserial"`
Parent Ino `xorm:"unique(edge) notnull"`
Name []byte `xorm:"unique(edge) varbinary(255) notnull"`
Inode Ino `xorm:"index notnull"`
Type uint8 `xorm:"notnull"`


There is no separate table for this. All Parents are found based on the Inode index in edge.


type chunk struct {
Id int64 `xorm:"pk bigserial"`
Inode Ino `xorm:"unique(chunk) notnull"`
Indx uint32 `xorm:"unique(chunk) notnull"`
Slices []byte `xorm:"blob notnull"`

Slices are an array of bytes, and each Slice corresponds to 24 bytes.


type sliceRef struct {
Id uint64 `xorm:"pk chunkid"`
Size uint32 `xorm:"notnull"`
Refs int `xorm:"notnull"`
type symlink struct {
Inode Ino `xorm:"pk"`
Target []byte `xorm:"varbinary(4096) notnull"`


type xattr struct {
Id int64 `xorm:"pk bigserial"`
Inode Ino `xorm:"unique(name) notnull"`
Name string `xorm:"unique(name) notnull"`
Value []byte `xorm:"blob notnull"`


type flock struct {
Id int64 `xorm:"pk bigserial"`
Inode Ino `xorm:"notnull unique(flock)"`
Sid uint64 `xorm:"notnull unique(flock)"`
Owner int64 `xorm:"notnull unique(flock)"`
Ltype byte `xorm:"notnull"`


type plock struct {
Id int64 `xorm:"pk bigserial"`
Inode Ino `xorm:"notnull unique(plock)"`
Sid uint64 `xorm:"notnull unique(plock)"`
Owner int64 `xorm:"notnull unique(plock)"`
Records []byte `xorm:"blob notnull"`

Records is an array of bytes, and each plockRecord corresponds to 24 bytes.


type delfile struct {
Inode Ino `xorm:"pk notnull"`
Length uint64 `xorm:"notnull"`
Expire int64 `xorm:"notnull"`


type delslices struct {
Id uint64 `xorm:"pk chunkid"`
Deleted int64 `xorm:"notnull"`
Slices []byte `xorm:"blob notnull"`

Slices is an array of bytes, and each slice corresponds to 12 bytes.


type sustained struct {
Id int64 `xorm:"pk bigserial"`
Sid uint64 `xorm:"unique(sustained) notnull"`
Inode Ino `xorm:"unique(sustained) notnull"`


The common format of keys in TKV (Transactional Key-Value Database) is ${prefix}${JFSKey}, where

  • prefix is used to distinguish between different file systems, usually ${VolumeName}0xFD, where 0xFD is used as a special byte to handle cases when there is an inclusion relationship between different file system names. In addition, for databases that are not shareable (e.g. BadgerDB), the empty string is used as prefix.
  • JFSKey is the JuiceFS Key for different data types, which is listed in the following subsections.

In TKV's Keys, all integers are stored in encoded binary form.

  • inode and counter value occupy 8 bytes and are encoded with small endian.
  • SID, sliceId and timestamp occupy 8 bytes and are encoded with big endian.


setting -> file system formatting information in JSON format


C${name} -> counter value


SE${sid} -> timestamp


SI${sid} -> session information in JSON format


A${inode}I -> encoded Attr


A${inode}D${name} -> encoded {type, inode}


A${inode}P${parentInode} -> counter value


A${inode}C${index} -> Slices

where index takes up 4 bytes and is encoded with big endian. Slices is an array of bytes, one Slice per 24 bytes.


K${sliceId}${size} -> counter value

where size takes up 4 bytes and is encoded with big endian.

A${inode}S -> target


A${inode}X${name} -> xattr value


F${inode} -> flocks

where flocks is an array of bytes, one flock per 17 bytes.

type flock struct {
sid uint64
owner uint64
ltype uint8


P${inode} -> plocks

where plocks is an array of bytes and the corresponding plock is variable-length.

type plock struct {
sid uint64
owner uint64
size uint32
records []byte

where size is the length of the records array and every 24 bytes in records corresponds to one plockRecord.


D${inode}${length} -> timestamp

where length takes up 8 bytes and is encoded with big endian.


L${timestamp}${sliceId} -> slices

where slices is an array of bytes, and one slice corresponds to 12 bytes.


SS${sid}${inode} -> 1

Here the Value value is only used as a placeholder.

File Data Format

Finding files by path

According to the design of Edge, only the direct children of each directory are recorded in the metadata engine. When an application provides a path to access a file, JuiceFS needs to look it up level by level. Now suppose the application wants to open the file /dir1/dir2/testfile, then it needs to

  1. search for the entry with name "dir1" in the Edge structure of the root directory (inode number is fixed to 1) and get its inode number N1
  2. search for the entry with the name "dir2" in the Edge structure of N1 and get its inode number N2
  3. search for the entry with the name "testfile" in the Edge structure of N2, and get its inode number N3
  4. search for the Node structure corresponding to N3 to get the attributes of the file

Failure in any of the above steps will result in the file pointed to by that path not being found.

File data splitting

From the previous section, we know how to find the file based on its path and get its attributes. The metadata related to the contents of the file can be found based on the inode and size fields in the file properties. Now suppose a file has an inode of 100 and a size of 160 MiB, then the file has (size-1) / 64 MiB + 1 = 3 Chunks, as follows.

 File: |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
Chunk: |<--- Chunk 0 --->|<--- Chunk 1 --->|<-- Chunk 2 -->|

In standalone Redis, this means that there are 3 Chunk Keys, i.e.,c100_0, c100_1 and c100_2, each corresponding to a list of Slices. These Slices are mainly generated when the data is written and may overwrite each other or may not fill the Chunk completely, so you need to traverse this list of Slices sequentially and reconstruct the latest version of the data distribution before using it, so that

  1. the part covered by more than one Slice is based on the last added Slice
  2. the part that is not covered by Slice is automatically zeroed, and is represented by sliceId = 0
  3. truncate Chunk according to file size

Now suppose there are 3 Slices in Chunk 0

Slice{pos: 10M, id: 10, size: 30M, off: 0, len: 30M}
Slice{pos: 20M, id: 11, size: 16M, off: 0, len: 16M}
Slice{pos: 16M, id: 12, size: 10M, off: 0, len: 10M}

It can be illustrated as follows (each '_' denotes 2 MiB)

   Chunk: |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
Slice 10: |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
Slice 11: |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
Slice 12: |_ _ _ _ _|

New List: |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _|_ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
0 10 12 11 10 0

The reconstructed new list contains and only contains the latest data distribution for this Chunk as follows

Slice{pos:   0, id:  0, size: 10M, off:   0, len: 10M}
Slice{pos: 10M, id: 10, size: 30M, off: 0, len: 6M}
Slice{pos: 16M, id: 12, size: 10M, off: 0, len: 10M}
Slice{pos: 26M, id: 11, size: 16M, off: 6M, len: 10M}
Slice{pos: 36M, id: 10, size: 30M, off: 26M, len: 4M}
Slice{pos: 40M, id: 0, size: 24M, off: 0, len: 24M} // can be omitted

Data objects

Object naming

Block is the basic unit for JuiceFS to manage data. Its size is 4 MiB by default, and can be changed only when formatting a file system, within the interval [64 KiB, 16 MiB]. Each Block is an object in the object storage after upload, and is named in the format ${fsname}/chunks/${hash}/${basename}, where

  • fsname is the file system name
  • "chunks" is a fixed string representing the data object of JuiceFS
  • hash is the hash value calculated from basename, which plays a role in isolation management
  • basename is the valid name of the object in the format of ${sliceId}_${index}_${size}, where
    • sliceId is the ID of the Slice to which the object belongs, and each Slice in JuiceFS has a globally unique ID
    • index is the index of the object in the Slice it belongs to, by default a Slice can be split into at most 16 Blocks, so its value range is [0, 16)
    • size is the size of the Block, and by default it takes the value of (0, 4 MiB]

Currently there are two hash algorithms, and both use the sliceId in basename as the parameter. Which algorithm will be chosen to use follows the HashPrefix of the file system.

func hash(sliceId int) string {
if HashPrefix {
return fmt.Sprintf("%02X/%d", sliceId%256, sliceId/1000/1000)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", sliceId/1000/1000, sliceId/1000)

Suppose a file system named jfstest is written with a continuous 10 MiB of data and internally given a SliceID of 1 with HashPrefix disabled, then the following three objects will be generated in the object storage.


Similarly, now taking the 64 MiB chunk in the previous section as an example, its actual data distribution is as follows

 0 ~ 10M: Zero
10 ~ 16M: 10_0_4194304, 10_1_4194304(0 ~ 2M)
16 ~ 26M: 12_0_4194304, 12_1_4194304, 12_2_2097152
26 ~ 36M: 11_1_4194304(2 ~ 4M), 11_2_4194304, 11_3_4194304
36 ~ 40M: 10_6_4194304(2 ~ 4M), 10_7_2097152
40 ~ 64M: Zero

According to this, the client can quickly find the data needed for the application. For example, reading 8 MiB data at offset 10 MiB location will involve 3 objects, as follows

  • Read the entire object from 10_0_4194304, corresponding to 0 to 4 MiB of the read data
  • Read 0 to 2 MiB from 10_1_4194304, corresponding to 4 to 6 MiB of the read data
  • Read 0 to 2 MiB from 12_0_4194304, corresponding to 6 to 8 MiB of the read data

To facilitate obtaining the list of objects of a certain file, JuiceFS provides the info command, e.g. juicefs info /mnt/jfs/test.tmp.

| chunkIndex | objectName | size | offset | length |
| 0 | | 10485760 | 0 | 10485760 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/10_0_4194304 | 4194304 | 0 | 4194304 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/10_1_4194304 | 4194304 | 0 | 2097152 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/12_0_4194304 | 4194304 | 0 | 4194304 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/12_1_4194304 | 4194304 | 0 | 4194304 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/12_2_2097152 | 2097152 | 0 | 2097152 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/11_1_4194304 | 4194304 | 2097152 | 2097152 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/11_2_4194304 | 4194304 | 0 | 4194304 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/11_3_4194304 | 4194304 | 0 | 4194304 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/10_6_4194304 | 4194304 | 2097152 | 2097152 |
| 0 | jfstest/chunks/0/0/10_7_2097152 | 2097152 | 0 | 2097152 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |

The empty objectName in the table means a file hole and is read as 0. As you can see, the output is consistent with the previous analysis.

It is worth mentioning that the 'size' here is size of the original data in the Block, rather than that of the actual object in object storage. The original data is written directly to object storage by default, so the 'size' is equal to object size. However, when data compression or data encryption is enabled, the size of the actual object will change and may no longer be the same as the 'size'.

Data compression

You can configure the compression algorithm (supporting lz4 and zstd) with the --compress <value> parameter when formatting a file system, so that all data blocks of this file system will be compressed before uploading to object storage. The object name remains the same as default, and the content is the result of the compression algorithm, without any other meta information. Therefore, the compression algorithm in the file system formatting Information is not allowed to be modified, otherwise it will cause the failure of reading existing data.

Data encryption

The RSA private key can be configured to enable static data encryption when formatting a file system with the --encrypt-rsa-key <value> parameter, which allows all data blocks of this file system to be encrypted before uploading to the object storage. The object name is still the same as default, while its content becomes a header plus the result of the data encryption algorithm. The header contains a random seed and the symmetric key used for decryption, and the symmetric key itself is encrypted with the RSA private key. Therefore, it is not allowed to modify the RSA private key in the file system formatting Information, otherwise reading existing data will fail.


If both compression and encryption are enabled, the original data will be compressed and then encrypted before uploading to the object storage.